Granite is a natural stone quarried from the earth and will inherently have shade and color variations. No two stones are alike and each one is unique. It comes in a variety of patterns that can range from earth tones to blues, greens and reds with various vein shading. Its appearance is either veined or pebbled. Visit our Care & Maintenance page for additional details. It is recommended to visit our showroom to see stone options.

If you have a small space and your kitchen will only need 1 slab, check out our LAST CALL page for limited inventory slabs.

Please call for availability: 401-270-5341


Home >> Granite Countertops


  • Granite countertops offer exceptional durability. Granite is available in a wide range of colors and patterns, allowing for versatile design options. With proper sealing and maintenance, granite countertops can last a lifetime, making them a long-term investment. Granite is a natural stone, adding value to your home and creating a luxurious feel.

  • Natural stone is beautiful but does come with regular maintenance. We recommend sealing your counters once a year to help fight the wear and tear on the stone. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive scrubbers that could breakdown the sealer an /or alter the look of the granite. For mor information on how to care for your new countertops you can visit our care and maintenance page.

  • While granite is highly resistant to scratches, it is recommended to use cutting boards or chopping blocks to prevent any potential damage to the surface. Cutting directly on granite countertops can dull your knives and may leave marks on the stone.

  • Yes, granite countertops are heat resistant. However, it is still advisable to use trivets or hot pads to avoid any potential thermal shock and add to the wear and tear on your counters breaking down the sealant faster.

  • Granite is one of the most abundant stones in the earth and has a wide price range depending on several factors. Color, clarity and how rare the stone is will affect the price of the material. Visit our showroom or contact us for more information.